Serena P. Lang,
New York NCS

National Underwriter   |  
Commercial Underwriting


Serena serves as National Underwriter for Chicago Title’s New York National Commercial Services (NCS) operation. A title industry member since 2002, she joined the NCS in 2023 bringing with her a vast array of skills. In her current role, Serena accesses, evaluates and underwrites risks on complex, national commercial transactions in compliance with state guidelines and regulations. She also searches, analyzes, and understands chain of title, recognizes title defects, and formulates curative title requirements. Serena reads and interprets maps and/or surveys, reviews real estate closing documents for accuracy, and performs escrow functions including researching real estate taxes, preparing closing statements, and disbursing funds.

I strive to develop and maintain strong relationships with my customers. This can only be done with effective communication, finding solutions to any issues that arise, and delivering a smooth closing process.